Installing PostgreSQL on Alpine RPi

Now that I have successfully installed Alpine on the Raspberry Pi I will be using as my database server, it’s time to install PostgreSQL. When doing something new and unfamiliar, it’s good practice to search and see if any guides exist. Since the work I’m doing doesn’t involve edge cases or exotic technologies, I usually find a guide that’s fairly close to what I’m doing. On and off the beaten path That said, every field has its “ruts” and industry standard technologies, and the further you get from that beaten path the more manual work, intervention, and research you will need to do....

May 30, 2021 · 11 min

Setting up a home server

This is a post to describe the setup of a Raspberry Pi running Alpine Linux. I will install PostgreSQL later to use the system as a practical way to run “real” SQL queries on a live database and build the practical database manipulation and data wrangling skills that are critical for a good analyst. Skill in data manipulation, analysis, and visualization are also the foundation of more complex work including statistical analysis, data engineering, geographic information systems (GIS), and data science....

May 26, 2021 · 9 min

Hello world

Hello world!

May 25, 2021 · 1 min